Creativity and Karma ~ 1 July 2014

Mercury will be direct in a few short hours. Sure he’ll then linger in his shadow until mid-July, but so is your psyche if you stand looking out... watching... life passes by. As you’ll read below, there’s some good getting to be got by those stepping out to cast the largest aura possible.

In two days, Mars aligns with the unique, fertile, provident, dwarf planet Haumea. As the weeks go on here, he’ll inch his way up to Vesta (July 13), which is when any creative conjuring that recently occurred, or any creative yearning yet unfulfilled receives the necessary spark for ignition.

There are some interesting elements to Haumea that should be considered before the next two weeks pass. She demonstrated an amazing ability to give birth from unorthodox body parts (chest, head) and immediately regenerate the body back to fully healed status. She maintained possession of a makalei stick. If she put this stick in water, it would summon fish and there would be sufficient food for all. She was known to end up in triangulated relationships, and when scorned or competitive as a result of jealousy, she could wreak far-reaching devastation, typically with lava.

In her orbit, Haumea supports two actual moons (the number known to date), which are clearly satellites, likely originating from her mass on following a violent collision at the edge of our solar system some ancient time past. Tracking in her orbital path, a number of large ice chunks, knocked loose during the impact. While they are following, they are not officially part of her orbital dynamics club, nor are they part of her core.

In real life, and as activated by the upcoming Mars transit, this all means:

Give birth to your creative endeavors. When done, immediately start something new to prevent any possibility of creative postpartum.

While engaged in the creative process, make the effort to ensure basic life necessities are sustained. If you drop what wins bread while creating, you may encounter extreme hunger and hardship while on the path of manifesting your greatness. Create and while doing so, remain conscious of real world realities and demands.

About those bodies tracking along with her orbit... bond with creative kin, the moons. If others understand, align and support creative output, work with them. Anyone seeking to “be on the list” and maintain entourage status without rendering anything in return, cut them loose. As well, those who echo “keep your day job,” “can you make a living doing that?” and other such negative affirmations need to be promptly deposited into the bad vibe bin. Secure the lid on that bin tightly.

If you fail to create, others may seize your ideas. Should you share your idea and do nothing, others may run with it. Alternatively, should you envy the creative outpouring of others and covet their gains without mounting your own campaigns to activate your inner yearnings, you could become cynical, judgmental, vengeful and attempt havoc wreaking as an ineffectual means of leveling life’s playing field.

This later dynamic receives a red flag warning as astrological transits converge. Two days before Mars aligns with Haumea, he matches longitude with Ceres while opposing Eris. Ceres would go to all ends and overlook potential negative consequences in the interest of making things right, according to her view, which to objective observation appears to be ludicrous nose-cutting, face-spiting tactics. Her opinion of what should happen to resolve “issues” often demands going back in time to undo what was done, something that most on Earth do not possess as a skill set. Where are those time-warping, reclaim water under the bridge black holes when you need them? Eris, when feeling excluded, shunned, left out, ignored or undervalued, conjured up all sorts of mayhem to inflict upon those she believed should shoulder the responsibility for her outcast status.

Creative rendering is the antidote.

Should the stirring of reactions to life’s manifestations leave you feeling behind or left out, rattle your root chakra’s rafters. It’s time to activate your gifts, skills, talents and yearnings with an unlimited display of creative action. You will make more than a splash.

If this does not occur, drifting folks will further alienate those on their path as the Sun in Cancer comes to square Eris on July 15th. On this date as well: Mars conjunct North Node who asks the annoying question: Are you lined up and fully active in fulfilling your life’s purpose?

So on this Sun-Eris, Mars-North Node mid section of July, know what you possess. Do your thing with gracious confidence. The results of your efforts shine through. There is no need to state the obvious manifestation. Enjoy the time in the Sun. Thank those who offer praise and support.

Then, get back at it. On July 24th the nodal axis aligns with Eris. It’s the next karmic thing to include yourself upon the next highest tier.

Respond to the planets, dagnubbit. Transits are transiting. Planets are progressing. Astrological algorithms are grinding and outcomes are being determined. Engage the creative bouillabaisse and stir your inner pot. Soon a crock of creative karma unfolds. Right?